Nutec & Wooden Wendy House Prices & options

The following price lists is provided to help you plan your Wendy house project. Please note, the prices are an indication only and we do other sizes of Wendy house than those listed. We will still need to look at each individual project and give a specific quote. To get a free, no obligation quote for your specific needs, please contact us.

Prices are a base price based on using a flat roof and wooden pallet type floor, and wooden doors and windows. See below for some of the options we offer.

Wooden Wendy Houses

Size              Price            
2m x 2m     R11000
3m x 3m     R11500
3m x 4m     R14000
3m x 6m     R17500
3m x 9m     R20000

3m x 12m   R26000

Nutec Flat Panel

Size                        Price
2m x 2m            R13000
3m x 3m            R14500
3m x 4m            R18000
3m x 6m            R20000
3m x 9m            R27000
3m x 12m          R34000

Nutec Overlapping

Size                    Price
2m x 2m          R18000
3m x 3m          R20000
3m x 4m          R24000
3m x 6m          R26000
3m x 9m          R30000
3m x 12m        R40000

Our Services Include;

Commercial / Office: Our commercial services are focused on interior spaces and designs, and are suited for all kinds of clients, including those in the leisure, retail, industrial, and corporate sectors. Our construction, renovation and /or restoration specialists can transform any space into a stylish and practical area.

Residential: Our residential services include turnkey, multi-unit residential estates or upmarket homes within lifestyle estates. We offer both renovation and ground-up construction services for residential requirements.

As part of our service offering, we also provide a range of direct services in partnership with our strategic associates. These additional services allow us to offer an end-to-end solution to clients, no matter what their building and /or renovation requirements we can assist from:

  • Tiling
  • Paving
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Property
  • Maintenance
  • Renovations & Upgrades

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